Cllr Paul Greenall (Derby Ward and Conservative Deputy Leader) along with Thomas Burton (Derby Ward Candidate for 2016) and Edward McCarthy (Knowsley Ward Candidate for 2016) went to a talk on the Northern Powerhouse and Cultural Policy by Dr Ben Walmsley (University of Leeds) at Edge Hill University.
Ormskirk’s popular Chapel Gallery looks set to become a landmark cultural destination for the North West after receiving a £127,933 Arts Council England grant.The money will enable staff at the Gallery, run by West Lancashire Borough Council, to develop a first-floor exhibition and events space and effectively double the highly impressive range of activities currently provided.
Residents, organisations and businesses will be invited to give their views on the Borough Council’s policy options for savings, efficiencies and increases in income to balance the budget for 2016/17.Over the last four years the Council has had to make savings of around 30%, primarily as a result of reductions in the grant funding that it receives from the Government. However the Council continues to face significant financial challenges, like most councils in the country, and needs to continue to reduce spending.
West Lancs Borough Council at its meeting on 21 October 2015 approved a draft Leisure Strategy and a draft Playing Pitch Strategy for consultation.The draft Strategies cover the period 2015-2025 and encompass the Council's built sports facilities, arts and ranger services, a community centre, play provision and playing pitches. The draft Strategies set out a proposed strategic direction for Leisure and Cultural Services going forward and would replace the Council's existing 2004 strategies.
West Lancashire Conservatives condemn both Labour and Cllr Owens for raising fears over the possible closure of Park Pool. Labour for allowing a Draft Leisure Strategy to be made public that indicates Park Pool could close and Cllr Owens prematurely launching a press campaign and petition before the matter is considered at the Full Council on Wednesday.