Edward McCarthy Conservative Candidate for Knowsley ward would fight for funding for some colourful improvements in Ormskirk’s Coronation Park.
Edward reports: “Section 106 monies from developer contributions can be used for small improvements to Coronation Park. After speaking with members of Friends of Coronation Park and the Rangers it would be great to get funding for some willow sculptures and for a sensory garden. A sensory garden would be a great idea in particular for residents of nearby care / residential homes. A Sensory Garden is one way to help adults with memory loss to live a more active and stimulating lifestyle – itself a recognised approach to combating the effects of declining cognitive ability. The wooden sculptures in Ruff Wood are very popular, I think willow sculptures and archways would add to the existing range of features in the park.”
Edward continues: “If elected I would ask for some of this funding for the park, which is very popular with not only Ormskirk residents but visitors from further afield. The Park Ranger and her team do a great job and the Friends of Coronation Park devote a lot of time and energy to help keep the park looking great. It is the Conservatives again suggesting projects forward to improve public open spaces in Ormskirk. It’s great that monies generated from recent building developments can be ploughed back into the local community to benefit the local community.”