A number of West Lancs Conservative members, councillors and activists went to hear David Cameron and others at the Spring Forum event held in Manchester.
The event took place at 3sixtymedia Studios in Manchester. Key speeches were by Grant Shapps, George Osbourne and David Cameron.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke to the Conservative spring forum this morning to say this election was a simple choice between Labour and Conservatives.
A copy of David Caneron's speech is found here - http://press.conservatives.com/post/114835215960/david-cameron-speech-to-the-conservative-spring
The event marks the beginning of the 2015 General Election Campaign. The General Election and Local Elections take place on Thursday May 7th.
The choice in May is simple. Vote for the Conservatives to complete the long term economic plan that is working. Or turn back to Labour and their SNP colleagues and set the clock back to 2008.
And remember, here in West Lancs – vote for Rosie Cooper and wake up with Ed Miliband and Alex Salmond.
Promoted by G Pratt on behalf of Paul Greenall, all of WLCA, 72New Court Way, Ormskirk Lancs L39 2YT.