Persistent communication with Network Rail and finally contacting their Chief Executive Mark Carne has resulted in a promise of action from rail chiefs. Wooden fencing on the railway bridge on Bridge Street on Ormskirk has been damaged since 2013. Exasperated residents turned to Derby Ward Conservative candidate Edward McCarthy for help.
Edward said: “According to Network Rail the design for the bridge is now complete. A ‘like for like’ replacement of the timber fencing would not have been suitable and so they have looked into alternative options for a more sustainable solution. The proposed design is for a FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer ) parapet extension to replace the existing timber fencing."
“Once the design is accepted implementation works can be tendered. Timescales will need to take account of road closures, they hope to begin work in the second quarter of the 2015-6 financial year. I am pressing them to let residents know in advance the dates of this work as it will cause inconvenience. I also complained about the litter all along the railway track before Ormskirk station up to the Bridge St bridge. There is a lot of litter which has been here a long time. It doesn't give good first impression of Ormskirk. Network Rail have passed this onto their Maintenance Team to clear. I will monitor the situation and ensure Network Rail keep their promises.”
Promoted by G Pratt on behalf of Edward McCarthy both of WLCA, 72C New Court Way, Ormskirk, Lancs L39 2YT.