News that Lancashire County Council plans to site a new pedestrian crossing on a busy Ormskirk street has not been fully welcomed locally.
Lancashire County Council are currently seeking consultation with local residents and businesses about the idea. The new crossing would go on Aughton St allowing pedestrians to cross from Morrison’s to where the Acropolis is.
Edward McCarthy Conservative Candidate for Knowsley ward said: “The new crossing is not needed here, this will impact on the local businesses and reduce parking available for them. There already is a crossing by St Anne’s School and one at the main traffic lights. If there had to be another one, further down by Brookside might be a better place. New crossings are costly, the money would be better spent in Ormskirk on resurfacing Cottage Lane which gets worse by the day, or installing a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Knowsley Rd/Wigan Rd where hundreds of Ormskirk School’ children take a chance when crossing the road each day.”