West Lancashire residents have helped the Borough Council decide which projects it should fund using money raised from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in 2017/18.
CIL allows the Council to raise funds from developers who are undertaking new building projects in the Borough. The monies collected must be used to pay for a wide range of infrastructure needed to support new development across the Borough.
The Council has a list of approximately 100 infrastructure schemes that have been put forward by service providers, Ward Councillors, Parish Councils, residents and other stakeholders. A shortlist of the most deliverable projects from this list was publicly consulted on by the Council in October 2017. A good number of local people gave comments, and in response to those views, the Council has chosen to fund the following four projects in 2018/19:
- £60,000 towards the upgrade of playing field facilities at Chequer Lane, Up Holland. The Football Association has agreed in principle to provide £60,000 match-funding for the project
- £40,000 towards the upgrade of playing field facilities at Whittle Drive, Ormskirk. The Football Association has agreed in principle to provide £40,000 match-funding for the project
- £25,000 towards the renovation and the extension of Mere Sands Wood Visitor Centre, Holmeswood. This is the second phase of improvements to the visitor centre at the important nature reserve. The project will be match-funded with £225,000 from other sources
- £300,000 towards implementation of the Tawd Valley Park Masterplan proposals, which will seek to improve open space, recreation and green infrastructure facilities in Skelmersdale
The selected projects will now be delivered during 2018/19 and beyond. Further information on CIL can be found at CIL.