Exciting and innovative new recreation facilities are the latest youth attraction in Coronation Park as result of funding made available by the Conservative Borough Council.
The new equipment features a waltzer-style roundabout , while groups have a swinging time in the new basket. Teenagers can enjoy sliding down a new cableway and reach great heights on the fun climbing rock.
Project costs of £30,000 for the new facilities were raised by the Council through developer contributions from nearby housing sites.
Edward McCarthy the candidate for Knowsley ward in next year’s borough council elections said “I am delighted that pupils from Ormskirk School have been consulted on what new equipment should go into the park. I am sure many young people from across West Lancs will enjoy using these new facilities in Coronation Park . It is great that the new play equipment has been funded from contributions from nearby developments. The Conservative Council has invested and improved the park a great deal since taking office in 2002."