A plan that will help to shape the future of West Lancashire has been formally approved.
The West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 Development Plan Document will guide how the Borough develops over the next 15 years. It covers everything from new homes and jobs to retail and leisure facilities, transport and local services and energy and the environment.
The Local Plan allocates specific sites for development – including housing and employment. It will ensure new homes, jobs and services required by communities are located in the most sustainable places. The plan will also deliver the necessary infrastructure, facilities and other development to make this possible.
Following several stages of preparation and consultation, the Local Plan was submitted for Examination in Public by an independent Planning Inspector. The Inspector’s Report, published on 26 September 2013, concluded that the Local Plan is sound and legally compliant, subject to the inclusion of the Inspector’s recommended modifications. The modifications recommended by the Inspector have been incorporated into the adopted Local Plan.
West Lancashire Borough Council adopted the Local Plan at its meeting on 16 October 2013. It now replaces the previous Replacement Local Plan 2001-2016 as part of the development plan for the borough.
Councillor Martin Forshaw, portfolio holder for Planning and Development, said: “We are pleased to adopt the West Lancashire Local Plan, which will help to deliver the sustainable development required by West Lancashire to 2027. The independent Planning Inspector has confirmed that it is robust and flexible enough to deliver development and will work to shape a strong future for West Lancashire”.
Copies of the Local Plan, Policies Maps, Sustainability Appraisal Report and Statement of Adoption are available to view on the Council’s website at www.westlancs.gov.uk/2027 and at Council offices, local libraries and post offices.