There are plenty of Animal Antics for children to enjoy at the Chapel Gallery during the May half-term school holidays.
At the Create a Critter workshop on Wednesday 27 May, well-known local artist Matt Roby will help youngsters attending to make weird and wonderful new creatures using collage and other materials. Have you ever seen a Hippo-ratty-moose or a Monkey-phant? Then this could be your chance.
The workshop is for children aged between 8 and 12 and the session is from 10.30am to 4.30pm. They don’t have to be accompanied by an adult. The fee is £12 per child and youngsters attending should bring their own packed lunch or order one in advance from the cafe at the West Lancashire Borough Council-run gallery.
Artist Emma Blackburn, who runs the gallery’s Saturday Art Club, will preside over a room full of fun as she helps families create their own zoo at the Marvellous Menagerie workshop on Friday 29 May. This is a free event for preschool children and their families, and the session times are 10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-3.30pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Advance booking is essential for both of these events. Please contact the Chapel Gallery on 01695 571328 or email [email protected] to secure places and/or to order a lunch from the cafe for the Create a Critter event.
For more information on the Chapel Gallery please visit Chapel Gallery or Chapel Gallery (external link).
For more information on West Lancashire Borough Council events please visit events.