West Lancashire Borough Council has agreed changes to its senior management team, which will save more than £100,000 a year, whilst continuing to deliver on its ambitions for the Borough.
At its meeting on 18 October 2017, the Council agreed the voluntary redundancy of Dave Tilleray, the Director of Leisure and Wellbeing, in a move which means that together with previously agreed measures, the Council will make a total of £267,000 in efficiency savings next year from restructuring.
Dave Tilleray said "I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the Council, over many years in a profession that assists our community. I have had the privilege of working with an excellent set of colleagues both inside and outside the Council. We have great partnerships in West Lancashire including with the Police, Parish Councils, the Fire Service, Edge Hill University, Clinical Commissioning Group and with Community Groups, and I am very proud of what has been achieved over my time at West Lancs."
Councillor Ian Moran, Leader of the Council said: "I would like to place my thanks to Dave on record for his years of dedicated service to the Council.
“The Council is under financial pressure, with the need to make an estimated £2.7m of savings over the next three years, and we are keeping our operating arrangements under regular review. The changes will enable the Council to make a significant saving, whilst continuing to deliver the Council's priorities."
From 1 February 2018, the Council's management team will comprise:
Kim Webber – Chief Executive
Jacqui Sinnott-Lacey – Director of Housing and Inclusion
Heidi McDougall – Director of Leisure and Environment
John Harrison – Director of Development and Regeneration
Terry Broderick – Borough Solicitor
Marc Taylor – Borough Treasurer
Further information
Dave Tilleray, the Director of Leisure and Wellbeing, has worked for the Council for 22 years. Originally he joined the Council as a Principal Environmental Health Officer. Following a number of promotions he became Executive Manager Community Services, before moving on to become Assistant Director, and then Director of Leisure and Wellbeing. Prior to working for West Lancashire he held posts at Blackburn, Preston, Blackpool and Wolverhampton Councils . Dave studied his Bachelor of Science with Honours degree at the University of Salford, before gaining an MBA, and is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.
He is the Chairman of both the West Lancashire Community Safety Partnership and the West Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Partnership.
In terms of transparency the Director of Leisure and Wellbeing post carries a remuneration of £78,515 per annum. A redundancy payment of £84,323 will be made to the Director of Leisure and Wellbeing. Council policy is that when making posts redundant there should be a payback period of less than three years. The changes agreed by Council provide a payback period within 2.87 years.
Redundancy costs have been calculated in accordance with the Council's Redundancy Policy, which complies with the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006. Pension strain cost will be paid to the Pension Fund of £175,998. The pension strain cost has been calculated in accordance with the Local Government Superannuation Scheme Regulations.
Efficiency savings of £267,000 will be made by the Council from restructuring in 2018/19, £174,000 of which will be made by the General Revenue Fund, and £93,000 by the Housing Revenue Account.